Thursday, March 12, 2015

In the beginning...God created all the foods necessary for a healthy body. Of course we all know what happened after that, and needless to say our food sources have been corrupted. The result is less energy, poor health, and shorter life spans.

My intention is to write about food, where to buy locally, and how to prepare it. I'm sure most people would like the "magic key" to cook something delicious and healthy, but how does one do it all the while leading such busy lives? How does one afford locally sourced meats, seafood, and produce? Is it practical?

I believe it is, and aim to prove it. First I have to get to know the farmers in Southern Maryland and their philosophies, and then learn quite a bit more about what produce, meats and seafood are available during what seasons. As I begin learning and buying, I will also prepare meals using those items. 

Stay tuned because I will be cooking at least three times a week and posting the recipe and a snap shot.